Our Crops at Bishop's Farm
The first acre of pumpkins were planted in family effort by Sandy, her children - Bruce, Wayne and Barbara, and her Aunt Nell. Bill came along a day or so after to help finish the job. Over 50 years later we now plant 90-acres of pumpkins, gourds and squash. Pumpkin planting starts in late-June and takes us about 2-3 weeks each year. Enjoy a free hayride out to the fields to choose your perfect pumpkin!
In 2015, Ann and Wayne Bishop bought a 43-acre parcel adjacent to the original Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm land that was home to a 25-acre almond orchard. You can now have those almonds on the farm either in a delicious Harvest Scone from Mrs. B’s Bakery, on a Caramel Apple or Slushakie from the Cider Mill, or roasted package almonds that are produced in partnership with Sohnery Family Foods in Oroville.

Forage Crops
During our winter months, our pumpkin acreage is planted into wheat. Come spring time, that wheat is harvested for silage for a local dairy.