The start of a blog…

Hi Friends and Family,

Welcome to Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm’s new blog!

My name is Meghan Bishop and I am the granddaughter and daughter of BPF co-owners Bill & Sandy and Wayne & Ann Bishop, respectively. Here are some things you can expect from our blog:

-Updates on happenings at our farm and with the Bishop family

-Guest blogs from members of the Bishop family

-Educational blogs about our community, agriculture or other things that pop up in current events

We are starting this blog for many reasons, but our main purpose is to further connect our family with yours, our customer family. So often we overhear or see on Facebook our customers wondering why we do something a certain way or what is coming for the new season. We hope that this blog can connect you to all to us, for us to express some of our motives and to share the history and future of our farm. As I mentioned, my name is Meghan and I will be one of the main authors of our blog. I have been back at my family’s farm full time for about 6 months now and it has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my young life already. Some of you may remember reading my articles in our Vine Line every year and kind of following my journey in our family business. Now I hope to really give you an insight to who we are. I came back to the business for many reasons, but my main reason was to be near my family again and to start my own family here in this quaint small town of Wheatland. After spending 4 years away at college and a year in the Bay Area for a produce brokering job, I came to appreciate everything this area had to offer for me and more importantly everything that the farm could provide for me and my future family. So here I am, ready to open our doors to you all on a year-round basis. I hope you all enjoy our writings, and please feel free to suggest anything you would like to hear us write about!

Just a few of the things to look forward to:

-From Pumpkins to Almonds

-Pork with a side of Pumpkin

-Say Yes to the Venue!

Happy Blogging,
